Tuesday, 3 November 2009

World Health Organisation's Declaration on Traditional (herbal) Medicine

In November 2008 the World Health Organisation held their first Congress on Traditional Medicine in Beijing. The delegates present agreed on a Declaration that promotes the safe and effective use of traditional medicine, which, they said, should be integrated into national health care systems throughout the world. http://www.who.int/medicines/areas/traditional/congress/beijing_declaration/en/index.html
The Declaration suggests that all the countries that belong to the World Health Organisation (almost every country in the world) should:
  • respect preserve, promote and communicate traditional (herbal) medicine
  • create national policies, regulations and standards within national health systems to ensure safe and effective use of traditional medicine
  • integrate traditional medecine into national health systems
  • further develop traditional medicine based on the Global Strategy and Plan fo Action on Public Helath, Innovation and Intellectual Property, adopted at the 61st World Health Assembly in 2008